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Are you feeling...
Concerned about the spread of the virus?
Feeling isolated, frustrated or alone?
Worried about your income, work, or business,
and how this is affecting the economy?
Grieving the loss of loved ones, and others...
or anxious about when all of this will end?
Here are some ideas that can help.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect our lives, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with worry, anxiety, or concerns for the future.
Unfortunately, this actually adds to the problem. How? First, it reduces our peace of mind and confidence about getting through this. Second, it blocks our ability to choose wisely and act effectively. And third, it even reduces the effectiveness of our own immune systems.
So what can we do to deal with our fears and isolation -- and still find ways to thrive -- as we go through these uncertain times? Here's our best advice:
1) Take care of yourself
2) Help Others
Think of it this way:
By looking after your own well-being, you strengthen your ability to stay healthy and contribute to solutions around you.
By helping others, you contribute to their well-being, while reducing your own feelings of powerlessness + helplessness at the same time.
This website is designed to give you many different and practical ways to do that. We hope you will find them useful.
So where do you want to start?
(Click on the underlined title of any section below)
Here are 10 steps you can take to calm your nerves, improve your immune system, stay connected, and help the people around you...
No, there's nothing wrong with YOU.
It's a natural reaction to feeling isolated, or worried,
or when the world we know is turned upside down.
Here are some practical ways to deal with
the tensions, stresses and emotions you may be feeling inside.
One way to do this is by giving yourself a little structure...
something good or helpful to focus on each day.
Here's a daily calendar with some suggestions.
(Created by the Greater Good Science Center.)
Does a chuckle help you cope, when things get bad?
Here are some gentle pokes at your funny bone.
And when the NHL winner is declared, what will they receive?
(photo from @Benstonium on Twitter)

The coronavirus is still with us, and challenging people in many ways. Yet there's also been a lot of progress and good news to report.
Here are just some examples...
People helping People
"Rise Up New York" raises $115 million, from goodnewsnetwork.org
A virtual telethon hosted by Tina Fey raises $115 million to support New Yorkers most impacted by COVID-19.
London's Wembley Stadium + food charities to provide 140,000 meals per week for the hungry, from theindependent.co.uk
Progress with Spread of the Virus (as of April 13, 2021)
These countries have some of the lowest rates of new cases among larger nations: New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Israel, Finland, Ireland , Egypt, Thailand, South Africa, South Korea, Nepal, Nigeria, Algeria, Uzbekistan
- from www.worldometers.info
To search information for your country, use this URL:
www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/insert country name
Progress with Vaccine Development (as of April 13th)
More than a dozen vaccines now have been authorized around the globe, with over 60 more in development, resulting from the unprecedented number of public/private partnerships worldwide.
From "COVID-19 vaccine tracker", Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society. https://www.raps.org/news-and-articles/news-articles/2020/3/covid-19-vaccine-tracker
Progress with Vaccinations (as of April 13th)
At least 171 countries and territories have administered more than 805 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, barely a year after the first Covid-19 case was reported. The current rate is 17.7 million new doses administered daily, and growing rapidly.
From "Tracking Covid-19 vaccinations worldwide", CNN.com
Coping with our Fears + Losses
This is a difficult time for many of us.
Would it help to just give yourself permission...
to feel what you feel,
and grieve some of what you've lost?
One of the most powerful ways to get through a crisis is by feeling we can do something about it.
Seeing how we can help others is part of this.
Here are some ways to do that...
Sometimes we also just need a little inspiration... and see the good that's happening around us.
(Get ready, because there is lots!)

The Matterhorn in Switzerland is being lit up every day with signs and flags of hope.
A 99-year-old British veteran hoped to raise $1500 to help his country's Health Service, and ends up raising over $20,000,000 (£19 m) (April 15, 2020)
Captain Tom receives over 150,000 birthday cards on his 100th birthday (beautiful video)
The funds keep on growing (now over $40 million) (May 15, 2020)
"What more can I do
to make a difference?"
Here's a way to think of the power you have,
and perhaps don't even know it...
Whenever we have a challenge, it's important to know the facts about where we are and what's happening. This helps us make informed choices about how to deal with our problems.
The same is true with the coronavirus.
This page can help you find out what's happening across the United States, in Canada, and in countries around the world...
Find out about Financial Help...
Financial Support, Assistance and Relief programs
in the USA and Canada
are available.
Here are some links to learn more.
If you're just not sure where to begin, click the one that appeals to you...
1) Be Mindful + Follow health experts' advice
3) Nourish and Nurture Yourself
4) Look Gently at Your Fears + Losses
5) Give and Receive Emotional Support
6) Connect with Spiritual Strength + Support
7) Stay Informed... but Watch Less News
9) Help Others