8) Find Good News and Hope
...in the midst of what is happening
Our minds and hearts need hope, inspiration, and reminders of good + progress in the world. Yet it’s often easy to miss these things in the midst of all the news about the coronavirus.
Here are some ways to shift that:
1) Look for small signs of hope, such as...
- increased testing
- slowing down the rate of growth of the virus
- people recovering from it
- people offering help to others
- the cooperation that’s growing among different political parties, levels of government, and countries
- news broadcasts which share signs of hope/progress.
2) Look for who + what inspires you, e.g.
- people caring for each other, offering services, upliftment, support
- companies taking care of employees, and doing good things in the community
- businesses shifting work to create needed products + services.
3) Watch for signs of progress about the spread + treatment of the virus, and with the economy. These might include:
- the closing of coronavirus emergency hospitals in China
- declining numbers of new cases your region, and other countries
- governments providing financial help to citizens and businesses.
Just Remember: At the beginning of any crisis, the news is mostly bad. Thus it can be hard to find stories that bring us hope. But as the situation continues, more and more small signs will begin to appear. Then larger ones... and still larger ones... until we are through the crisis.
Hope, inspiration and reminders of progress -- and people doing good in the world -- feed our soul. They also give us confidence that we will get through, and things will get better.
Look for these. Feed yourself with them. And share them with others.
The Matterhorn's Lights of Hope
The Matterhorn in Switzerland is illuminated daily during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Photo: www.zermatt.ch/en
© Light Art by Gerry Hofstetter / Foto Michael Kessler / Zermatt Tourismus
Confirmed Cases, Deaths + People Recovered from Coronavirus,
from worldwide Coronavirus statistics (as of April 13, 2021)
Confirmed Cases: 137,990,445
Deaths: 2,970,716
Recovered: 110,897,982
Daily updates (for countries around the world):
Some Stories of Good News + Progress
(over the past year)
People helping People
"Rise Up New York" raises $115 million, from goodnewsnetwork.org
A virtual telethon hosted by Tina Fey raises $115 million to support New Yorkers most impacted by COVID-19.
-100% of the money will go to frontline organizations providing food, shelter, cash assistance, mental health, legal services and education in New York City.
- Over 100,000 people donate: from kids with piggy banks to million-dollar gifts
London's Wembley Stadium + food charities to provide 140,000 meals per week for the hungry, from theindependent.co.uk
How Los Angeles School District Handed Out 13 Million Free Meals in 6 Weeks, from laist.com
Pakistan puts unemployed to work planting trees, as part of its 10 Billion Tree Tsunami program, from Thomson Reuters Foundation
Progress with Spread of the Virus (as of April 13, 2021)
These countries have some of the lowest rates of new cases among larger nations: New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Israel, Finland, Ireland , Egypt, Thailand, South Africa, South Korea, Nepal, Nigeria, Algeria, Uzbekistan - from www.worldometers.info
To search information for your country, use this URL:
www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/insert country name
Progress with Vaccine Development (as of April 2021)
More than a dozen vaccines now have been authorized around the globe, with over 60 more in development, resulting from the unprecedented number of public/private partnerships worldwide.
From "COVID-19 vaccine tracker", Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society. https://www.raps.org/news-and-articles/news-articles/2020/3/covid-19-vaccine-tracker
Progress with Vaccinations (as of April 2021)
At least 171 countries and territories have administered more than 805 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, barely a year after the first Covid-19 case was reported. The current rate is 17.7 million new doses administered daily, and growing rapidly.
From "Tracking Covid-19 vaccinations worldwide", CNN.com
Ongoing Stories of Hope, Progress, and Inspiration
(more continue to be added)
From CNN.com:
Rays of Hope during the Pandemic
How to feed the hungry, protect health professionals, aid refugees and support service workers during the pandemic
Random Acts of Kindness
For regular REPORTS on Good News and Progress:
2) www.solutionsjournalism.org
or click here for current stories of progress from that site
3) www.justgivemepositivenews.com
4) www.goodnewsnetwork.org/tag/covid-19
For more stories:
1) in the United States: go to "Impact Your World", from CNN.com
- scroll down to "Rays of hope during pandemic"
A guide to helping and getting help during the coronavirus crisis
2) in Canada: go to "Celebrate Together" at canadatogether.com
3) in the United Kingdom: see "The Upside weekly report" at theguardian.com
How a "positively contagious idea" can spread...
Children’s drawings of rainbows are appearing all over social media as well as on balconies and windows in major cities ready, ‘’Andra’ tutto bene,’’ Italian for ‘’Everything will be alright.’’ - March 14th
- from ABCnews.com + The Associated Press (photo above)
Pictures of rainbows have started springing up in windows after schools closed in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Hundreds of schools are encouraging pupils to put up paintings to "spread hope"... - from BBC.com, March 21st
16 beautiful rainbow displays to put a smile on your face during coronavirus. A reminder that we're all in the battle against COVID-19
- from hellomagazine.com, March 31st
A teacher's invitation: 1 of our challenges (to kids) was to make a rainbow with household items. We then took all those rainbows of hope & made a "Thank You" video for all the brave Essential Workers in our community.
- from Mrs. Shaw, a teacher in Mississauga, ON, Canada, April 16th
99-year-old Veteran raises over $20 million for Britain's National Health Service.
Capt. Tom Moore had a humble idea: to circumnavigate his back garden 100 times before his 100th birthday — hoping to raise £1,000 (or $1500) for the NHS. - from CTVnews.ca
Captain Tom Moore Receives 150,000 Birthday Cards As He Turns 100!, from Forces TV (a touching video, worth watching)
The funds (and the story) keep growing...
The 100-Year-Old Who Raised $40 Million (£33m) for U.K. Health Workers, from nytimes.com
“The first step was the hardest. After that, I got into the swing of it and kept on going.” With more on Captain Tom's story...
Andrea Bocelli's Music for Hope "prayer" concert
On Easter Sunday, by invitation of the City and of the Duomo cathedral of Milan, Italian music icon Andrea Bocelli gave a solo performance (in a vacant cathedral), representing a message of love, healing and hope to Italy and the world.
Kind Canadians start 'caremongering' trend, from BBC.com
Grandmother of 95 becomes oldest person in Italy to recover from the coronavirus, from The Telegraph (March 23rd)
Oldest Woman In Spain, 113-Year-Old Maria Branyas, Has Survived Coronavirus, from forbes.com (May 12th)
From GoodNewsNetwork.org
Stories about the ‘corona kindness’ breaking out all over the world, the silver linings, pandemic-positives, and breakthroughs in technology, business, and health (last recording: Apr. 29th)
Positive Updates on the COVID Outbreaks From Around the World
https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/another-roundup-of-positive-updates-on-covid-outbreaks (March 23rd)
More Stories (March through August):
Restaurant Flooded With Business After Launching an ‘Adopt a Doc or Nurse’ Catering Service
A compassionate way of keeping their business open while simultaneously caring for hospital staffers fighting the coronavirus.
(See the restaurant's website on Facebook)
Chinese Company Ships Crates of Masks to Italy, covered in Italian Poetry: We Are ‘Leaves of the Same Tree’

From TVGuide.com
TV Shows Donating Supplies to Hospitals and Coronavirus Aid Organizations
From DailyHive.com
People around the world join together to applaud healthcare workers fighting coronavirus (VIDEOS)
COVID-19 Response from Chef José Andrés,
founder of World Central Kitchen and #ChefsforAmerica:
WCK delivered meals to quarantined cruise ship passengers
in Japan.... https://wck.org/news/wck-activates-in-japan
and California.... https://wck.org/news/grandprincess
WCK is distributing meals in The Bronx, Queens & Harlem
#ChefsforAmerica is now launching programs to feed people across America. More at: https://wck.org/chefsforamerica
Chef José Andrés in the New York Times:
"We Have a Food Crisis Unfolding Out of Sight: Mobilize Restaurant Workers to Feed America Now"
From Entrepreneur.com
Whiskey Producers Are Making Hand Sanitizer. Here's How They Organized. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/348127
From Global TV News:
‘Team first’: Bauer Hockey making face shields for coronavirus fight
Kingston woman raises donations to provide personal protective equipment to nurses
From Autonews.com
Ford partnering with GE and 3M to build ventilators, respirators, face shields
Feeling the need for more good news, beyond the coronavirus?
1) see the Good News Network, with inspiring stories from across the U.S. and around the World
2) Good News stories in Canada
3) Read this list of stories about global progress, created by Future Crunch, a team of science communicators based in Melbourne, Australia.
99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2019