Consulting &
We all face challenges when trying to make change -- whether it's in our work, personal life or the world around us. It's just part of being human.
For example, we may feel confused or helpless at times when we are pioneering new ways of living. People often don't understand us. They can be critical or resistant. We may begin to doubt the value of what we are doing. And issues of other kinds (money, values, relationships, knowing what to do next) can get in our way. Maybe we start trying to 'stay safe' by pleasing others or doing what's "acceptable." But when it's not our truth, we can lose our way.
So how do we get through these challenges, and still do what we love/care about... live our values... speak our truths... hear others with compassion... and heal our world?
Ultimately, it's about finding ways to follow what's true or right for us. And sometimes that comes from having someone who can help.
Supporting Your Deeper Aspirations
For me, coaching doesn't start with "goals, accountability and outcomes," or "what actions should I take?" It's about discovering what inspires us, and how we'd like to grow our work & life. Seeing what's stopping us from doing that. Uncovering our fears & resistance. And understanding other people better as well.
Rather than pushing or forcing change, I believe it's about helping you hear your own truths, needs and inner wisdom. Supporting you to take practical steps to move forward, solve problems and deal with conflicts. And gently removing the blocks, so your desire to grow and make a difference in the world rises naturally from within.
Here are some of the areas in which I can provide assistance:
Finding Purpose + Direction
Bringing love, vision and spirit into work
Marketing & communications (which reflect your values)
Project design + creation
Small business management
Engaging people + inspiring change
Connecting with community
Improving relationships
Dealing with the inner critic
Talking about things you 'can't talk about'
Finding peace in the conflict & craziness
Feeding your soul/spirit
Having People Who "Get Us"
For most of us, change isn't easy. And the larger the change we want to make, the deeper the resistance to making it (in the world, or in ourselves) can be.
That's why having people in our life who 'get us' is so important. We all need people who will listen and understand. Hear our longings, beliefs and the things we can't say. Honour our experiences. And help us find practical ways to live what's calling us... whether it's a deeper way we view the world. Something we feel we are here to do. Or a yearning for spirit or God.
This is what I try to do in my coaching & mentoring. And it's the approach I take in consulting and communications as well:
Helping you find ways to live more fully into the life and work you want...
by following what matters most to you.
Having been called to change my life/work many times, as well as face my own deepest fears, my goal is to help others avoid some of the struggles and pitfalls I faced... and succeed in ways that are truly right for them.
If something here speaks to you, or you'd just like to talk, please get in touch.