Eric Hellman
Co-founder of the world's first Blue Box recycling program, Eric is a change + communications coach, writer, speaker and editor of the Spirit & Conscious Work newsletter. Past Director of the Centre for Spirituality at Work, he is also a photographer/photo-music show creator, and founder of Conscious Change.
For the past 40 years, Eric has worked to find new ways to create change - in such fields as conscious business, spirituality, environment, peace, healthy communities, leadership, addictions, dementia and alternative healing.
His many areas of skill/experience include: Consulting, coaching, project design, implementation & communications, event organizing, sales and marketing. Research, writing, editing & ghostwriting, resumes, book publishing, word processing & desktop publishing, audiotape transcription and personnel placement. Website design, PowerPoint presentations, and computer training. Entrepreneurial and purpose-driven small (& home-based) business and non-profits. Relaxation, visualization & imagery, personal & spiritual growth, and work-life-social purpose integration.
• Bachelor of Environmental Studies (University of Waterloo, 1978)
• Co-Founder/1st Executive Director, Recycling Council of Ontario
• Co-Founder & Project Manager, first "Blue Box recycling" program
• Helped launch the phrase "make a difference" into common usage
• Stopped a World's Fair for peace (UN International Day of Peace event, Expo ’86)
• Created a North American hazardous waste management directory
• Co-managed a successful conscious business (an office services company)
• Created Signs of Progress, a healthy, sustainable communities 'report card' manual
• Ghost-writer of Leadership from Within for Peter Urs Bender (a Canadian bestseller)
• Ghostwriter, editor and author of books and articles (print & blogs) on conscious change,
leadership, spirituality at work, addictions, communications, marketing, environment
• Author of Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet
• Organizing team, 1st Spirituality in the Workplace Conference (Toronto)
• Co-Coordinator, Spirituality & Sustainability Roundtable, UN World Urban Forum
• Board member, Workplace Centre for Spiritual & Ethical Development (Vancouver)
• Director of the Centre for Spirituality at Work
• Editor of a bi-monthly Spirit & Conscious Work newsletter
• Developed Conscious Change for helping people create change more effectively
​• Coached/helped a family to cope with dementia & the health care system
• Speaker, workshop & conversation leader (on many of the topics above)
• Webmaster/designer for various websites
• Nature lover and photographer
• Presenter in Seniors residences/groups
• Trained hospice volunteer
• Therapeutic Touch practitioner (25+ years)
• Student of A Course in Miracles (30+ years)
One of my guiding principles in conscious change has been to experience "what works" for myself, before sharing it with others.
Thus the work of "healing our world" has also been about healing myself and my relationships. This has taken me into psychotherapy, counselling and spirituality, so as to deal with issues of conflict & anger, loss & grief, and deep fears of being rejected, if I express these beliefs and ideas publicly.
This exploration and healing (or 'whole-making') has been essential for moving past my own blocks, following my inner wisdom (consciousness, Spirit, or God as I've come to understand it), and expressing my work in the world.
Thanks for reading and considering these ideas!
And if there is any way I can be of help, please get in touch.
Best regards,
Eric Hellman
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