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Eric Hellman

Eric has a passion for nature and a love of Canada.

He has travelled to nine provinces, and lived in five major cities.

During the past decade, Eric became an avid nature photographer.

And over the past five years, he has been creating photo-music shows, 

which he has just started to show publicly. 

Co-founder of the world's first Blue Box recycling program, Eric is a nature photographer, change & communications coach, Director of the national Centre for Spirituality at Work, and founder of Conscious Change.


For the past 35 years, he has worked to find new ways to create positive change in life, work and the world - including such fields as conscious business, spirituality, environment, peace, healthy communities, leadership, addictions, dementia and alternative healing.


•  Bachelor of Environmental Studies (University of Waterloo, 1978)
•  Co-Founder/1st Executive Director, Recycling Council of Ontario
•  Co-Founder & Project Manager, first "Blue Box recycling" program - which also
    launched the phrase "make a difference" into common usage


•  Stopped a World's Fair for peace (UN International Day of Peace event, Expo ’86)
•  Ghost-writer of Leadership from Within (for Peter Urs Bender), a Canadian bestseller

​•  Organizing team, 1st Spirituality in the Workplace Conference (Toronto)

•  Co-Coordinator, Spirituality & Sustainability Roundtable, UN World Urban Forum
•  Chair, Workplace Centre for Spiritual & Ethical Development (Vancouver)

•  Director, national Centre for Spirituality at Work & Editor, Spirit & Conscious Work newsletter


•  Nature lover and photographer

•  Trained hospice volunteer

 Therapeutic Touch© practitioner (25+ years)



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Eric Hellman

Vancouver, British Columbia

Tel: 778-379-8344

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