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Programs and Entertainment

for your Group, Centre,

Seniors' Residence or Event

For Individual Shows,
see below
Celebrating the Beauty
of canada
Today and Everyday...


A Year of Nature in Vancouver

        Memories of December       

Coming Ahead,

these additional shows:

The Four Seasons

The Beauty of Ice and Snow

The Gift You Are

Celebrating Family 

To see samples of the photos from these two shows, please go to:




Eric has a passion for nature and a love of Canada. He has travelled to nine provinces, and lived in five major cities. During the past decade, Eric became an avid nature photographer. And over the past five years, he has been creating photo-music shows, which he has just started to show publicly. 


In order to present these shows to more seniors' homes and audiences, we are inviting organizations and individuals to sponsor it.


If you are interested in supporting the show - or communicating your services to Seniors in the BC Lower Mainland - please call Eric at 778-379-8344 or email him at (Also see the bottom of this page).


You can also sponsor it directly by clicking below:


Eric Hellman

Vancouver, British Columbia

Tel: 778-379-8344

Name *

Email *



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